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How Valentine's Day started

With the begining of February, the count down for Valentine's Day starts. All of us, mostly couples, wait for this day eagerly. We make plans for V-day and when the day arrives, we execute our plans and celebrate. But only a few of us knows about the history and origin of Valentine's Day. While we all are busy celebrating the day of love, it is good to have knowledge that why do we celebrate this day and how it started.

"Saint Valentine's Day" or simply "Valentine's Day" is celebrated on February 14 in many countries, though it it is not a holiday in most of them. The story of V-day begins during the active years of Roman Empire which held a festival every February. This festival was held in the honor of the God of fertility and during festival young men would get to choose their mate. That time marriage was a common occurrence, but when Claudius (10 BC - 54 AD) became emperor he outlawed this festival fearing that men would not want to leave their wives and refuse their duty to fight. But young couples still fell in love and wished to marry. They took their problem to then Catholic Bishop Valentine. Valentine, himself a believer of love, began to secretly marry couples. When Claudius found out, he arrested Valentine and ordered death penalty for him. While in jail, Valentine started exchanging letters with jailer's daughter and soon they fell in love. On the day of his death, he wrote one last letter and signed it "from your Valentine".

Many years after death of Valentine, in 496 AD Christianity has taken over Rome but the festival of marriage was still popular (after Claudius reign, festival was again started). Pope Gelasius wanted to replace this festival with something more appropriate so  he restricted this festival and chose a day in February to honor the martyr St. Valentine . The chosen day was 14 day of the month. From that day on wards, February 14 is observed and celebrated every year as The day of love or Valentine's Day.

Now you know why we celebrate this Day of Love. Spread this knowledge with others and more importantly, spread love. That is what this day is all about.      HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY :-)

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