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For those who are single this Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is about to knock the door and many among us are still single. If you are single this  V-day then it is natural to be in a sulky mood, specially if you've broken up or divorced recently. Such situations generally leads to depression and loneliness. Escaping the love in the air on this day might be difficult for you but you need an escape to cope up with your loneliness.

Here are few tips you can use this V-day to leave loneliness behind and enjoy the day:

Decide to be happy
It is difficult to feel happy when you are dealing with problems and loneliness, but if you decide you can overcome it. Just decide that you'll be happy no matter whatever comes in your way. At times, keep reminding yourself to be happy and you'll automatically start feeling better.

Don't sit at home
Sitting alone at home will only remind you of your problem and loneliness. There is no point of doing it. This will make you feel more miserable. Take it as just another day. Go out and enjoy.

NOTE: Promise yourself that you won't shout at anybody who wishes you today.

Indulge in yourself
Since V-day is all about love, spending the day loving yourself makes sense. Do whatever that makes you happy. It can be your hobby,playing a musical instrument, playing with a pet, painting, dancing, singing.It can be anything. Just do it.

Go out with your single friends
There might be some friend/s of you who is also single this V-day. You can use this opportunity to hang out with your friend. You can go to your local market or a mall or anywhere you want. This will make you happy and relaxed.

Call your old friends
If you don't have ideas for what to do on this V-day, calling your old friends will be a good option. Call all of your old friends whom you haven't contacted since a long time. Old friends are like lifeline for us. They understand us. Talking to old friends gives a soothing experience. Just pick up the phone and start dialing numbers.

Take yourself out for a dinner
All your friends are busy and you don't have someone to spend time with. Don't be sad. You yourself are your first friend and you are wonderful. You should treat yourself for being so wonderful this V-day. Just dress and take yourself out for a treat to your favourite restaurant. Having a meal alone with good music playing in the background can actually lift your mood. So don't wait for someone. Just treat yourself.

Watch your favourite movies/ play games
If nothing works, then get DVDs of your favourite movies and enjoy them whole day. I t can be romantic or comedy or action or whatever you like most. Don't forget popcorn, chips and soft drinks.
You can play your favourite video games also. Just grab them and start playing. 

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