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How to start your day positively

Millions of people in the world wish to start their day in a positive and energetic way.  Even people around you like your friends, colleagues, neighbours and many others whom you know want to do the same. But how many people you know around yourself who are successfully doing so. You guess it right!!  Not many.

Is it really difficult to start your day in a positive way that so many people wish to do so but are not doing? The answer is big NO. In fact, it is very easy and simple. All you need to do is to be determined and be prepared.

Morning is an important time of day, because how you spend your morning can often tell you what kind of day you are going to have. The way you start your day can strongly influence how the rest of the day goes.

You need to utilize your morning so that your day can be utilized.

Here are the simple steps:

1.     Prepare Yourself
Begin your preparations the day before. Make your mind that you have to get up early next morning. To get early you need to sleep early. Get yourself sufficient amount of sleeping hours so that your body gets relaxed and be ready for the next day. It is important to have a good night’s sleep.

It helps you to be positive and energetic in the morning.

NOTE: Arrange things like shoes, socks, t-shirt, shorts, music player etc., before sleeping that you’ll need in the morning.

2.    Get early and feel good

Gather enough strength, and get up. The perfect time to get up is the time when sun is still below the zenith and there is a mixture of light and darkness in the sky. Get out of bed, get ready and go out. Fresh air of morning can make you feel very cheerful and happy. You don’t want to lose this precious time sitting inside.

3.    Exercise and yoga

Go for a jog. Jogging will warm up your body. If you cannot jog, even a walk can do wonder for you. The main idea behind this is to take yourself to fresh and soothing atmosphere of morning. After jogging you can go for stretching. Stretching can increase flexibility and improve the range of motion of your joints.

Give yourself at least 10-15 minutes for meditation. Meditation is essentially relaxation time. It slows down your heart beats and relaxes your muscles. This gives your body a relaxing effect and helps you to be more energetic.

Jogging, stretching and meditating leads you towards better health and better body.
4.    Spend time with your close ones

You can spend quality time with your friends and family in the fresh atmosphere of morning with whom you don’t get time to meet for the whole day.Talking about nice things, cracking jokes and spending time with your loved ones definitely makes you happy. So don’t lose a chance to get happy.
Imagine the feeling when you return home after jogging with a smiling face and a happy you. And all this happen due to your quality time with your loved ones. One cannot have a better time than this in the morning.

5.    Pray
Get ready for the day ahead.
Going to some religious place like temple, church etc., or simply praying at home also makes you feel very good. Praying gives you a sense of satisfaction and sense of deep peace which nothing else can give. There is a popular saying which says "Where all human efforts fail, there prayer succeeds". This shows that praying can deeply affect ones life in a positive way. Thus praying in morning can make you feel very very high. Praying is also a form of meditation. Again you are relaxing yourself by praying.

6.    Have Breakfast 

It is said the breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It gives you the energy and strength to start your day. A good and healthy breakfast is very necessary for a day’s good start. Have your breakfast and go ahead into your daily work. You will surely feel energetic.

7.    Organize your day

Be clear and specific about the tasks you want to accomplish that day. You can do so by preparing a list of tasks that needs to be done that day.
In this way you will be focused about what you have to do. It will definitely save your time and make you energetic and motivated.

By practising these simple steps you will definitely feel energized, cheerful, motivated and happy throughout the day. This will be shown in your attitude and your work.

A good start to your day will keep you free from tension, frustration and other negative elements.
You will feel positive and you’ll make others feel the same way because you’ll radiate positive vibes.

So go ahead and utilise your precious morning time to be happy, cheerful, positive and motivated whole day.

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